Recently, Law 360's Max Kutner conducted an interview with Ms. Gilda Hernandez to gain insight on the potential impact of the Government shutdown on the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour work as well as the individuals who may be affected by it.
Ms. Gilda Hernandez, a former investigator for the Wage and Hour Division, who now represents employees in wage and hour issues, expressed concerns that employers may exploit the shutdown, leaving workers without immediate access to the Department of Labor for assistance.
This could have a serious negative impact on workers across the country, particularly in the enforcement of child labor protections, which the Wage and Hour Division has recently prioritized.
Ms. Hernandez worries that without assistance from the Wage and Hour Division, workers may not receive the wages they are rightfully entitled to.
If you would like to read more, please see the September 27, 2023, Law 360 article by Max Kutner titled “How Gov. Shutdown Would Impact DOL's Wage-Hour Work.” (subscription required).
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